Selecting Cubicle Walls for Your Office
If you plan to move into a new office space or are looking for a renovation, you might want to begin thinking about the color scheme now. You want to plan your colors early, because they will affect every decision you make. They impact lighting choices, furnishings, even storage and artwork. Here are some things to consider when planning your wall and office furniture colors.
Consider your brand

If you have colors in your logo, incorporate them into your office and reception area. You want customers or clients to walk in an office and see your stamp on it. The colors are a major part of your brand, and you want to convey its message everywhere your customers will be.
If your brand is not that obvious and unique in color, you can still create a connection to it through color choices. If your logo is modern, your space should use modern, sleek tones. Colors impact a space by creating emotions in the people who walk through the area. Think about what emotions your brand conveys and try to copy that same feeling with your design choices.
Consider your customers
Think about the type of company you are, and the type of customers to which your brand appeals. For example, a bank wants to project an image of security and reliability; an engineering firm might want to look innovative and cutting-edge. When choosing color and design for your office, consider aspects of your business' identity and customer group: Are they traditional or contemporary? Formal or relaxed?
Create an image
When you are selecting colors for your office, you are creating an image that will influence what customers think about you. Certain colors provide specific impressions:
- Neutrals are considered more sophisticated and refined.
- Blue gives the impression of honesty and confidence.
- Green is calming and can denote wealth.
- Burgundy and dark blue are seen as signs of responsibility.
Do not be afraid to move away from traditional themes for your wall and office furniture colors, even if you are a traditional type of business. Bold and unusual colors have been successful for many companies. The important thing for any business to remember is that the décor of an office, including the color palette, should be an extension of the company and its brand.
Cubicles walls
Height: Privacy is considered an important concern when determining how employees will work. That is why many employers seek cubicle set ups with high walls. However, this can create a claustrophobic feel for employees and reduce communication between staff members. Generally, the smaller the cubicle space you have, the shorter the partition you can use.
Cubicle walls should be high enough to give employees a sense of privacy without closing them off entirely from co-workers. A wide doorway, for example, can compensate for floor-to-ceiling walls that would otherwise make the employee feel as if he is working in a confined space. Also, consider how often employees must collaborate on projects. If they work together in a team environment, a bullpen cubicle style might be more efficient.
Materials and colors: You do not want your employees to feel constricted. The smaller the cubicle, the lighter color of the walls should be to create a sense of additional space. You should also consider the weight of the material used for your cubicles. Lighter materials will be easier to move if you plan to frequently reorganize and redecorate.
Panel vs. freestanding: The last thing to consider is whether you want to use panel cubicle walls or a freestanding system. Panel systems are more flexible and versatile with plenty of options such as internal power sources and desk configuration. Freestanding systems are far more portable and take less time to install.

When choosing cubicle walls, also think about the shape of your office area, the number of cubicles you will need, and the type of work your employees do. If you are unsure what to purchase, it is best to choose the most flexible options since you can always reconfigure later.
The dangers of glass cubicles
One trend that has come and gone in the office is the glass cubicle. The glass cubicle can compromise the productivity of your workers. Opt instead for a traditional design that gives employees privacy, as well as other benefits.
The drawbacks of glass: Glass walls eliminate privacy. While at first you may think that this is an advantage, as it keeps your worker accountable for his or her actions, in fact the lack of privacy is a real danger. Glass walls increase the worker's feelings of vulnerability. No conversation within the cubicle can go unnoticed. If your employees are never allowed personal moments at the desk or private conversations, anxieties and workplace dissatisfaction can increase and motivation decline.
The "bird factor": The "bird factor" is the phenomenon of people slamming into the glass cubicle or conference walls. These incidents are not only embarrassing, they can be physically damaging, too. The individual may actually get hurt and need to take time off work, decreasing office productivity.
Lighting issues: Sunlight streams in from office windows and shines right through the cubicle walls, which can be blinding on sunny days. In addition to eye strain, too much glare can make computer screens hard to read. The sunshine also may heat up the temperature in the cubicle. A too-warm office may make your employees tired and sluggish, and slow down their performance.
The traditional cubicle has many advantages over the glass model. Beyond safety and privacy, another benefit of the bulletin board-like panels is that workers can hang hooks and shelving on them, for extra storage. Employees can store training manuals on the shelves and pin memos and photographs on the walls for easy reference and a way to express their personalities.
Given the proximity between cubicles (of either style), encourage workers to keep their voices down at their desks to decrease distractions to other people in the office. No matter what style you choose, shop around to get the best price for quality furniture before you make your purchase. Or compare prices that others paid to get an idea of how much you could pay.
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