Boost the Performance of Your Work-at-Home Employees
The practice of telecommuting increased 73% between 2005 and 2011, according to data published by the Telework Research Network. They further forecast that the practice could grow another 69% - to 4.9 million people - by 2016. Clearly the way we work is shifting. But installing time and attendance software and integrating it with your payroll setup is just the tip of the iceberg.

You and your management team must know how to use the real-time statistics and tracking capabilities these business solutions provide to boost efficiency and productivity.
Here's how to make the system work for you by making sure your work-at-home employees are actually working.
Boost productivity while monitoring performance
Studies show that the flexibility of a work-at-home setup drives productivity. Yet supervisors and managers must always enforce a certain degree of discipline. Collecting and using the data from your time and attendance system can help you compare the productivity of individuals based on the hours they spend on certain tasks, the time of day when they do those tasks, and the nature of the tasks at hand.
One key component in modern time and attendance systems is the capability of time capture, or electronically monitoring the current status of your telecommuting employees while they're logged in and "on the clock." Most ideal for those who work with electronic equipment, the apps work by taking a snapshot of the computer screen and then providing those images to you through a management application. Not as effective for salespeople or those who perform tasks that don't require a computer that's switched on, this nevertheless can help you monitor a wide range of work-at-home employees.
Following this process will further allow your supervisors and managers to assign workloads based on the employee's productivity as you'll be able to effectively track the time it takes for an individual to complete an assignment. This can even help your team design a reward system to help improve productivity.
Increase transparency
Cloud-based time and attendance software gives you a window into how employees are spending their time... and where they are when they're doing it. Econz Timecard and a number of similar mobile apps are available that can be installed on almost any smartphone, tablet, or laptop computer. In real time, they can tell you:
- Where your people are
- What their status is (on or off the clock)
- Mileage
- Breaks
- ...and a whole lot more
Compatible with all wireless carriers, these apps even allow you to send instant messages to a single employee or entire group while they're in the field. Managers can see where time is being spent, and on which tasks, then make corrections to achieve the necessary business goals.
Simplify management
Having an efficient time and attendance system will make life easier for your managers and your business more profitable.
And the collated information of a time and attendance report will give you extra time to spend on more important tasks, such as monitoring the progress of high-profile projects, checking whether a project is within budget, or making sure your business standards are being met.
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